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How to Chair a Meeting


A key element of the success of any meeting is the approach and skills of the meeting chair.

The tip sheet in the box at right offers ideas on how to perform this task with skill and grace. 

Did we leave good ideas out? Please contact us with thoughts on how to improve on this resource.

Another useful set of resources related to this topic relates to rules of procedure at meetings/Rosenberg’s Rules.


Dealing with Emotional Audiences

This article provides strategies that leaders can employ to maximize the likelihood that public meetings on controversial issues will involve constructive exchanges that contribute to the best decision being made.

Dealing with Emotional Audiences

Additionally, a piece from the Orange County Human Relations Commission is available, “Free Speech vs Hate Speech: Practical Guidelines for Managing Public Forums.”

Free Speech vs. Hate Speech - Orange County Human Relations Commission


Dealing With a Grandstander

This article analyzes the ethical issues associated with grandstanding and offers tips for dealing with grandstanders.

Dealing With a Grandstander


Promoting Civility at Public Meetings: Concepts and Practice

In the context of democratic debate, civility is about how people treat each other. Civility involves the display of respect for those who have positions with which one disagrees.

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